Yesterday I tried the rolled bangs. I try to keep my bangs short and trimmed because I have very thin and limp hair, so my bangs never look full. But I love bangs so I wear them anyway. Usually I'll curl them with a hot roller and it's passable. I can't do big foward rolled bangs like in the Vintage Styling book (which was what I really wanted to do) because I don't have enough hair.

I've also been thinking about using a hair rat roll. I've never used one before so I have to experiment with that also. Have any of you ladies used it before?
Anyway, here are some pics I took of my small rolled bangs. Any tips and advice are welcome!

Lovely :)
Yes I've done it, go to my blog and click on the hairstyling challenge posts in the sidebar (under popular posts) to see the results.
So cute! Bangs terrify me. My face is so angular I think I look like a transvestite.
yes, a rat helps a bunch..if you use more hair from the back..will be a lot easier for you.
I back comb and use a ton of hairspray with each tease. You could try that. I have thin hair too.
Thank you for help ladies! I'll experiment with a rat next time.
oye si te pareces mucha a Dorothy Lamour.
La Dama: Tu eres la segunda persona que me dice eso! Me haces sentir feliz porque ella es muy bella y yo nunca me siento bonita. Es un gran cumplimiento. Gracias! Un beso para ti!
Tu eres muy hermosa amor.
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