Fun with Editing Pics

This is a picture of me that I tried to get that vintage look. I have way too much fun editing pictures. This was done with a combination of
Bakumatsu Koshashin and Picnik photo editing.
Remembering Bettie
Vintage Pepsi Commercial with James Dean
Can you spot a young James Dean in this 1950 Pepsi commercial? It was his first acting job.
Breakfast at Tiffany's award!

I'm speechless! Yet another award by the beautiful Miss Go Lightly. She's a huge Audrey Hepburn fan and of course loves Breakfast at Tiffany's (who doesn't? Audrey is fabulous!). So she decided to create this wonderful award because in her own words it "represents the feeling that Miss Go Lightly gets when she visits Tiffany's", which is utter happiness! Awww! I love it Miss Go Lightly!. Thanks so much. Your blog makes me feel the same.
"There aren't any 'real' rules to this award. Simply bestow it upon as many blog writers who make YOU feel like you are at Tiffany's! and if you would like to take it a step further, briefly state why these particular blogs make you feel like you are at Tiffany's. If not, then simply list them. Oh, and of course don't forget to copy and save the award :)"
I would like to pass on this award to:
Miss Go Lightly, this is for you:

I feel loved!

This must be my lucky day. I received yet another award from another adorable friend, Miss Go Lightly from A Chock-Full of Rants and Raves from a Thirty- Something Mama Thank you Miss Go Lightly for thinking of me! In the short time that I've been here in blog land, I feel so glad to have met you! And of course, all the other wonderful bloggers that I'm getting to know! It feels so good to meet others that share your love for vintage.
Five Things That I Love To Do:
1) making my son laugh
2) shopping for vintage clothing
3) spending summer days at the beach
4) listening to my fave music
5) taking pictures
The rules are simple:
"Copy and save the award graphic above for use in your post,
Blog about receiving the award and share five things that you love to do with your readers
Keep passing along the Circle of Friends award with however many of your own readers you’d like to."
This award is for:
My very first blog award!

This is my very first blog award. I'm so thrilled. Thanks to my sweet friend Birdie at Soldier's Lady for thinking of me. You have to check out her blog, she's funny, classy, she's a mom like me and she's a Soldier's Lady. What more can you ask for?
"The rules for said award are to thank the bestower (check) and list seven things about yourself."
I'm supposed to write 7 things about myself, but since my previous post was listing things about myself also, I'll count that one for this.
Now, I'd like to present this beautiful blogger award to these fantastic dolls:
1)Miss Go Lightly at http://mzhollygolightly.blogspot.com/
2)Kim at
3)Melanie at
4)Miss Matilda at
5)Brittany_Va-Voom at
6)Amanda at
7)Art*Deco*Dame at
Getting to know you
Today I got to know a little more about my sweet friend Miss Go Lightly at A Chock-Full of Rants and Raves From a Thirty-Something Mama. She posted this "getting to know you" game and I thought it was fun and a great idea! So now it's my turn:
Three names I go by:
1. Ivette (my mom named me after actress Yvette Mimeux but spelled it with an "I".

2. Mamma
3. Bubba (I know it's weird, but it's hubby's and my nickname for each other, it's a personal funny story ;-)
Three jobs I have had:
1. Bank Teller
2. Cashier
3. Telemarketer
Three places I have lived:
1. These places are all in NYC: Queens (where I live now)
2. Manhattan
3. The Boogie Down Bronx (not too far from where J. Lo use to live! But never met her)
Three favourite drinks:
1. Red wine (love sharing it with hubby!)

2. Diet Pepsi (it's so sad that I drink it more than water)

3. Coffee (I drink it black every morning and once in a while, with cream & splenda)

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Mostly the TCM channel. I'm addicted to classic movies!

2. Ghostly Encounters (I love true stories of the paranormal)

3. Dancing with the Stars (Love it! It's like junk food)

Three people who text me regularly:
1. My hubby.
2. My sis
3. My friend, Liz
Three Favourite Old TV Shows:
1. I Love Lucy

2. Gilligan's Island
3. Bewitched
Three places I have been:
1)Dominican Republic
2)Hawaii (honeymoon)
3)Florida (my favorite vacation spot)
Three places I would like to visit:
1. Egypt

2. Tuscany, Italy

3. Atlantis, Bahamas

Three Favorite Dishes:
1. Puerto Rican dish called Mofongo
2. Steak & eggs
3. Turkey dinner (I don't wait for Thanksgiving!)
Three makeup/toiletries I cannot live without:
1. Red lipstick

2. Mascara
3. Tweezer (my eyebrows grow bushy!)
Three Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. My wedding anniversary (this month!)
2. My birthday (in May)
3. Summer Vacation (we fly to sunny Florida almost every summer)
Three names I go by:
1. Ivette (my mom named me after actress Yvette Mimeux but spelled it with an "I".

2. Mamma
3. Bubba (I know it's weird, but it's hubby's and my nickname for each other, it's a personal funny story ;-)
Three jobs I have had:
1. Bank Teller
2. Cashier
3. Telemarketer
Three places I have lived:
1. These places are all in NYC: Queens (where I live now)
2. Manhattan
3. The Boogie Down Bronx (not too far from where J. Lo use to live! But never met her)
Three favourite drinks:
1. Red wine (love sharing it with hubby!)

2. Diet Pepsi (it's so sad that I drink it more than water)

3. Coffee (I drink it black every morning and once in a while, with cream & splenda)

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Mostly the TCM channel. I'm addicted to classic movies!

2. Ghostly Encounters (I love true stories of the paranormal)

3. Dancing with the Stars (Love it! It's like junk food)

Three people who text me regularly:
1. My hubby.
2. My sis
3. My friend, Liz
Three Favourite Old TV Shows:
1. I Love Lucy

2. Gilligan's Island
3. Bewitched
Three places I have been:
1)Dominican Republic
2)Hawaii (honeymoon)
3)Florida (my favorite vacation spot)
Three places I would like to visit:
1. Egypt

2. Tuscany, Italy

3. Atlantis, Bahamas

Three Favorite Dishes:
1. Puerto Rican dish called Mofongo
2. Steak & eggs
3. Turkey dinner (I don't wait for Thanksgiving!)
Three makeup/toiletries I cannot live without:
1. Red lipstick

2. Mascara
3. Tweezer (my eyebrows grow bushy!)
Three Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. My wedding anniversary (this month!)
2. My birthday (in May)
3. Summer Vacation (we fly to sunny Florida almost every summer)

Polyvore Set
I signed up at Polyvore about 10 months ago. I played around and made a couple of sets, clearly not experienced at this sort of thing, but nevertheless, I had fun. I remembered about it today and enjoyed making some sets. Polyvore is a site where anyone can create "sets" featuring fashions, art, expressions or pictures. There are groups to join and even contests to enter (which I haven't entered because I want to practice more!). It's great fun for those who are really into any fashion, art, or you just plain want to express yourself. Here are 2 sets I have made:
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