I'm speechless! Yet another award by the beautiful Miss Go Lightly. She's a huge Audrey Hepburn fan and of course loves Breakfast at Tiffany's (who doesn't? Audrey is fabulous!). So she decided to create this wonderful award because in her own words it "represents the feeling that Miss Go Lightly gets when she visits Tiffany's", which is utter happiness! Awww! I love it Miss Go Lightly!. Thanks so much. Your blog makes me feel the same.
"There aren't any 'real' rules to this award. Simply bestow it upon as many blog writers who make YOU feel like you are at Tiffany's! and if you would like to take it a step further, briefly state why these particular blogs make you feel like you are at Tiffany's. If not, then simply list them. Oh, and of course don't forget to copy and save the award :)"
I would like to pass on this award to:
Miss Go Lightly, this is for you:

Awe, thank you so very much for your kind, and sweet words dahling! and thank you a million times for the beautiful picture. Love it! Have a wonderful weekend doll!
Congrats on yet another award! You deserve it!
Awww, Thanks dolls!
Thank you very much for giving me the award, I feel so honoured! :) Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday, and again - thank you!
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