This is my very first blog award. I'm so thrilled. Thanks to my sweet friend Birdie at Soldier's Lady for thinking of me. You have to check out her blog, she's funny, classy, she's a mom like me and she's a Soldier's Lady. What more can you ask for?
"The rules for said award are to thank the bestower (check) and list seven things about yourself."
I'm supposed to write 7 things about myself, but since my previous post was listing things about myself also, I'll count that one for this.
Now, I'd like to present this beautiful blogger award to these fantastic dolls:
1)Miss Go Lightly at http://mzhollygolightly.blogspot.com/
2)Kim at
3)Melanie at
4)Miss Matilda at
5)Brittany_Va-Voom at
6)Amanda at
7)Art*Deco*Dame at
Thank you so much for the award! I love your blog too.
Thank you for the award, darlin'! Congratulations on your first blog award! I'm sure that it will be the first of many. Love your blog, sweetie! xoxo
Hi sweet dear, I just discovered your blog today but already feel like I've know you for ages, thanks to all the wonderful awards you've (so deservedly!) received recently and that "about you questions" you answered in response to some of them.
I think your site in an absolute delight and hotbed of vintage inspiration - keep up the fantastic work! :)
Blissful Sunday wishes,
♥ Jessica
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